EU Projects

FF-IPM”: In-silico boosted pest prevention and off-season focused IPM against new and emerging fruit flies ('OFF-Season' FF-IPM) (2019 -2023)
FF-IPM is a project funded by the EU under H2020 (GA 818184 https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/223226/factsheet/en).It is coordinated by the University of Thessaly (Volos, Greece). The project consortium consists of 21 partners. Budget: 6 million euros. Project webpage: https://fruitflies-ipm.eu

REACT”: Rapid elimination of invasive insect agricultural pest outbreaks by tackling them with SIT programs (2022 - 2026)
REACT is a project funded by the EU under Horizon Europe (GA currently in preparation. It is coordinated by the JUSTUS-LIEBIG-UNIVERSITAET GIESSEN (Giessen, Germany). The project consortium consists of 15 partners. Budget: 7 million euros. Project webpage: 'under construction'