Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files sent from a website and stored on your computer by a web browser. They contain a small amount of information to identify the browser, remember user choices, information entered earlier into the form fields, language preference etc. They are safe and can't be used to run malicious programs or deliver viruses to your device. More at:

Types of cookies that we use

Strictly Necessary Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our website and cannot be switched off. Each website uses such cookies, and their use is permitted in accordance with the GDPR regulation. These include transient session cookies that exist in temporary memory only as long as you navigate our site, and persistent cookies that have a fixed expiration date that ‘remember’ your preferences etc. They are necessary to enable you to navigate our site and use its features, remember your preferences, so when you next time visit our website you will not have to set them again. If you delete or disable these cookies, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to use our site, or you may be asked to reenter your preferences.

Analytics Cookies: In general, these cookies help improve websites. They collect information about visits to the website, provide information on which pages attract more attention, etc. To improve our website, we sometimes use anonymous statistics of our site, which are collected and managed by our hosting providers. We do not use any external services, such as Google Analytics, GoSquared, and we do not set any cookies that could link you to such services.

Optional Cookies that provide a link to external services, such as OpenStreetMaps, can be set to allow this functionality. It is our policy to ensure that BEFORE setting such cookies, we explicitly ask for your active consent (by pressing ACCEPT COOKIE button). In addition, we provide a tool to deactivate the cookie (button to DEACTIVATE COOKIE to ‘reset’ its expiry date, which is equivalent to deleting it), if you would like to do it after using the service (e.g. browsing OpenStreetMap).

How you can manage the cookies present on your browser

You can do it by selectively or entirely removing them from your browser at any time. The commonly used browsers allow you to control cookies through their 'settings' preferences. However, if you limit the ability of websites to set cookies, you may worsen your overall user experience, since it will no longer be personalized to you. For instruction how to manage cookies on your browser, please see below.
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Safari (Desktop)
Safari (Mobile)
Android Browser
Opera Mobile


We may update this Cookie Statement from time to time for operational reasons or to comply with legal or regulatory changes. Therefore, you should regularly visit this Cookie Statement to be up to date.
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